Tauhinu Sea Scout Group
Group Fees for 2025

Group Fees for 2025

Joining Fees

  • $30 – one off joining fee to cover scarf ,woggle, youth handbook and initial set of badges
  • $42 – cost of sea scout shirt


Annual Fees

  Paid Annually Paid Termly
Keas $485 $505 (4X $126.25)
Cubs $505 $525 (4X $131.25)
Scouts $543 $563 (4X $140.75)
Venturers $543 $563 (4X $140.75
  • Currently around $284 of each fee is passed as levy to help National run scouts in New Zealand, the group is billed for this at around week 5 on a termly basis.
  • The rest of the fees are used to run the weekly meetings, provides badges, maintain the building, buy equipment and subsidize some events.
  • All adults members of Tauhinu Sea Scouts group are volunteers and are not paid for what they do.
  • Leaders are eligible for discounted fees for all their children once completed their initial period (also backdated).
  • Further information about fees and refunds can be found here


Camps and Events

  • Many of our optional weekend events and activities are covered by the group fees with no additional charges.
  • Camps and sleepover are charged cost only to cover the accommodation, transport, food , activities and leaders costs (as leaders pay with their time)
  • For larger events like Jamboree, National Regatta the Scouts and Ventures are able to fundraise a large portion or even all of their attendance fees.
  • Camp fees must be paid in advance of a youth member attending, the group can not provide credit.