The Malt Voucher 2
The Malt Voucher 2

The Malt Voucher 2



IMPORTANT: The online bids for this auction will finish on the 20th September at 4pm. The existing highest bid will then be transferred into the hall for Pancake Breakfast on the Saturday 21st September. The auction will then continue and close at 12pm on the 21st September with either of the highest online or in-hall bid winning.

INCREASING YOUR BID: This must be done from the same device you put the original bid on and registered. Please also ensure you are not viewing the auction webpage from inside a chat program or similar phone app, please instead use a web browser to enable the Google or Facebook logons to work. If you have any issues please emails

PAYMENT: cash on the day, eftpos in the hall on the day or via bank transfer (an invoice will be sent to your email will payment details). We will try our very best contacting you with the details you have supplied, if after several days we haven’t made contact the item will go to the next highest bidder.

Thank you for supporting Tauhinu Sea Scouts