The Group was formed on Wednesday August 3rd, 1955 by way of a General Meeting held at the Greenhithe Social Hall and any boy between the ages of 11 to 15 years old were invited. Mr. Peter Barnes(now deceased) was the instigator of this important meeting. Peter Barnes (known as Barney) was in the Royal New Zealand Airforce at the time and was based at the Marine Section at Hobsonville.
The Wolf Cub Pack was formed in 1957 by the late Mrs. Lena McGregor of Marae Road, Greenhithe. Lena was our first “Akela” ! Among the founder members of the Sea Scout Troop that was consequently formed on that night were:
Albert Cochran; David Jonkers; Bryan Payne; Douglas Payne; Tony Robinson; Wayne Robinson; Noel Schelling and Garry Speer.
Other members, since that first meeting (not necessarily in order of Investiture as Scouts and Cubs) were: David Strange; Malcolm Black; Michael Robinson; Ray Nehring; Ian Frykberg; Herbert Reti; Larry Moore; David Baker; Kevin Baker; Jim Robinson; Tony Baker; Nicky Rodokal; Gary Siddalls; Robert McMonagle; Malcolm Halls; Stewart McMonagle; Billy McMonagle; Jim Haslem; Alan Haslem; Mitchell Hutchings; the late Clifford Crowther;the late Kim Lane; Michael Barratt; Pieter Kaan; Ton Kaan; Bradley Hutchings; Gordon Frykberg; Peter Northin; Stephen Rodokal; John Grubner; Wayne Williams; Douglas Northin; the late Gary Northin; Kenneth Northin; Garry McDougall; Bryan Hope; Ralph Moore; Jimmy Moore; Peter Batistich; the late Robin Hendrikse; John Barwell; Fred Marcroft; Eddie Hay; Nick Batistich; Roddy Salmon; Richard Thomas; David Crowther; Clive Strange; Terry Wooding; Innes McLeod; David Smith; Colin Walker; Wayne Mitchell; Alan Rodokal; Donald Murray; John Skilton; H. Rose; R. Slade; Roger Jonkers; David Barkle; Freddie McKain; L. Robinson; Re Snowball; Russell Arnold; Wim Penning; Evan Goodhue; Clive Williams; Graeme Hodgson; R. Morgan; Lloyd Beehre; Bruce Newey; John Kenyon; Chris Bancroft; Lindsay Carmichael; Vern Mitchell; John Mitchell; Mark Hyland; J. Young; David Halls; Chris Stancich; Steven Gregory; Rex Steele; Tim Gannaway; Trevor Fox; Roger Smith; Gordon Brown; Nick Twyford; Peter Masefield; David Varley; Chris McKain; Raymond Brown; Brent Mitchell; Robert Cottenham; M. Sheeran; Sam Twyford; Gary Moss; David Moss; Frank de Jong; Nigel Varley; Sean Kearney; Hans Slierendrecht; Huw Clift; Andre Slierendrrecht; Mark Cole; Peter Rea; Bruce Rea; David Rea; Graeme McKain; Rory Kearney; Tony Martin; T.Turner; Colin Burbage; Nigel Wilson; Nigel Blake; Rhys Clift; Allan Pope; Bruce Rodokal; Bruce Robinson; John Mitchell; Arnold Hankin; Jan Batistich; Terry Turner; Len Fowell; Keith Fowell; David Bowman; Warren Carmichael; Brian Arnett; Len Huck; Nick Rutland; Greg Iversen.
There have been many, many boys (and now girls) to have passed through the ranks since the above have been registered; Records being as they are, we are still wanting names of members who are not on the above lists.

The Ship
The Ship (maybe late 1980’s)
In 1969 the Department of Lands & Survey agreed to the Tauhinu Sea Scouts’ request to erect a building for their headquarters at the current site, a local authority designated recreation reserve.
May of 1972 saw the new Headquarters (Ship) of the Tauhinu Sea Scout Group under way. North Shore Joinery, owned by the late Mr. Sam Hendrikse of Albany, a parent of one of the sea scouts, Robin, who is unfortunately now deceased also, donated all the joinery for the building. The initial concrete piles and structure (designed by the then Waitemata County Council, Engineering Department — AND apparently over designed as they would take a 3 or 4 storey building, according to their engineers! ) were put out to tender, and a retired resident of Upper Harbour Drive — then called View Road — won the tender.
The building was built mainly with volunteer labour, parents, leaders and interested locals, etc. The bulk of the building work was overseered by Mr. Derek Fox, an assistant Scout Leader and parent of the day. Derek was also a self employed builder and spent many hours at the Ship. Other volunteers were: Messrs. Bob Cottenham; Sam Hendrikse; Ted Schelling; Noel Schelling; Gerry Newey; Don Murray; Peter de Jong; Barrie Wood and others.
By the August 1972 school holidays, the new Ship was occupied by all sections of the Scout Group. Cubs on Wednesdays; Sea Scouts and Venturers on the Thursdays. It was still a bit draughty — all the wind and doors were fitted, with the exception of the ranch slider on the Quarter Deck. Scout Patrols were painting their own patrol cabins.
To the south of the building is a concrete dinghy ramp believed to be erected in 1987.
Today, from the picture above, the Ship has undergone an extension built upon the original balcony and also added a loft in new roof extension near the road end (see picture below for original roof).
To the south of the building is a concrete dinghy ramp believed to be erected in 1987.
Today, from the picture above, the Ship has undergone an extension built upon the original balcony and also added a loft in new roof extension near the road end (see picture below for original roof).