Tauhinu Sea Scout Group
Venturers Award Scheme – Tauhinu Sea Scout Group

Venturers Award Scheme – Tauhinu Sea Scout Group

Venturers Award Scheme

Venturers is all about self-driven success, giving everything a go, and having fun. Your time as a Venturer could take you anywhere, and along any path. 

Your Section and your Section’s Youth Leadership Team will play a significant role in your time as a Venturer as Kaiārahi take a backseat and hand the reins over to you and your fellow Venturers. 

Grab every opportunity, take risks, and most importantly; have fun, don’t die.

The Venturer Award Scheme is designed to help you plan your Scouting experiences around a variety of different experiences. 

The key to a great time at Venturers is challenge, learning, and fun. These are obtained by fully engaging, participating, and leading the programme in your Section. It’s important to remember that awards are a recognition of achieving your goals of your own development and progression, but shouldn’t be the goal themselves. Badges should be a result of these rather than the goal themselves – you’ll get a lot more out of them this way.

Membership Badge

Before you are invested into Venturers, you will need to complete your Membership

Badge. Your Kaiārahi and other Venturers will help you with this.

There are three main parts to this:

  • Introduction to Scouting
  • Introduction to Venturers
  • Safe From Harm

Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards

The Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards recognise your progression through the programme

To complete these awards, you will need to Participate, Assist, and Lead a number of activities from each of the programme Areas

At the end of each award, you will also take part in a reflection.


Queen Scout’s Kauri Award

The highest award you can earn as a Venturer is the Queen Scout’s Kauri Award. This is the Capstone Award for the Venturer section.

The Adventure Skills

The Adventure Skills are your pathway to adventure. They are designed to help you gain the skills you need to participate in, assist with, and lead adventurous experiences

The Adventure Skills are designed so that you can work on them as you move through your Scouting journey. Instead of being attached to a section, you can complete any level of any Adventure Skill in any section, as long as you have completed the previous levels of that Skill

Each Skill has 9 Levels, each with a set of competencies to complete that build on the level before it

Currently there are 7 Adventure Skills. They are:

Emergency Skills
Air Activities
Water Safety

You can be assessed by your Kaiārahi, another member of Scouting who is two or more levels above you in the Skill, or any other competent person

Once you reach level 3, you can start to mark off others who are working at level 1!

To complete your Kauri Award, you will need to complete 10 Adventure Skills progressions during your time in Venturers.

A progression is gaining a new level in a Skill. It’s up to you if you want your progressions to be across a lot of different Skills, or mostly in just a few of them

You can find all the requirements for each of the Adventure Skills in the Adventure Skills Handbook. This is also where you can record your Adventure Skills achievements, or you can do this in Mahi Tahi

When you finish an Adventure Skill level, please record it.

Better World

Better World helps you live out your Scout Promise by contributing to your community, country, and world

There are 3 parts to every Better World Programme:

Experience:​ Learn about an issue that is interesting  to you. Find out about how it affects people, and what you can do to help

Act:​ Participate in, Assist with, or Lead a project that helps with the issue you’ve been learning about. Remember to Plan, Do, Review every part of your project

Share:​ Share what you have done with others, and let them know how they can get involved

There are 8 Better World Programmes. They are:

Climate Change
Sustainable Choices
Peace Education
Global Citizenship

You can complete a Better World project with your Vetnurer Section, by yourself, or with another group.

To complete your Kauri Venturer Award, you will need to complete 4 Better World projects in at least 2 different programmes.

You can find specific programme requirements and resources in the Better World Handbook, or in the member resources portion of the SCOUTS New Zealand website.

Better World works with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is a set of 17 goals for the world that were agreed upon by world leaders in 2015 to make the world a better place for everyone.